Superchick is SUCH a good band! better than Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We Live
4ever Bella + Edward
Posted by Courtney @ 8:12 PM 4 Replies
Catagory: Video Clips
I hate my routine. Every day I press the snooze on my alarm clock untill 6:30 am. then i slooooowly get out of bed. If i don't feel TOO tired, i play some music. I then, with my eyes practicly closed, i find something to wear. then i shuffle my way downstairs to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and put my make-up on. then i try to figure out what pair of shoes i want to wear. then i wait for the bus to come.
Then, at school, I walk to "our" spot by the door that leads to our grades hallway.
After school I put my science book and binder into my locker. I pull out my backpack and put my book, homework folder, agenda book, and any other text books i need. then i go to my friends locker and wait for her to get her stuff. then we walk outside to her busstop. Then I walk to my busstop, stop and say hi to another one of my friend (or not, depending on if she had already left), and go to my busstop.
Then, when I get home, I get ont he computer until 5:00. Then i go upstairs to watch Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire.
I eat dinner at about 6:30.
7:00 i watch Growing pains. Then I watch According to Jim reruns. I do this EVERYDAY.
Sad that I know this, and i follow it almost exacly every day, isn't it???
4ever Bella + Edward
Cool Dream
Last night I had a cool dream!
I was at a pool with some friends. Somehow we got into a car. then it fell into the pool and shot up about one hundred feet! We fell out of the car. I started to scream then realized that I may as well enjoy it, since I couldn't die (i don't know why i thought that! Guess i sorta knew I was in a dream). So I stopped screaming, but I hit the water too soon. But I liked the water even better. I was surrounded, the cool, sft, creamy water making me feel weightless. It was heaven. I could have stayed there forever. I didn't have to breathe. My plan was to push myself up once my feet hit the bottom of the pool. But then I woke up.
I wish I could experience that in real life.
4ever Bella + Edward
Currently Listening To: Mandy by Jonas Brothers
Hi! just finished *evil* math. Why must we learn math? we should stop at division!!!
Next Friday I'm gonna spend the nite @ my BFF's house. Gonna go to Red Cross Training Saturday. 'Cept i think one of my bff's mite not b-able 2 go. :( (Snickers- call me, k? gotta tell ya somthin!)
Ah, gotta go. cya!
4ever Bella + Edward
A retired sailor purchased a computer and began to learn all about computing. Being a sailor, he was used to addressing his ships as "She" or "Her". But was unsure what was proper for computers.
To solve his dilemma, he set up two groups of computer experts: one group was male, and the other group was female.
The group of women reported that computers should be refereed to as "HE" because:
1. In order to get their attention you have to turn them on. 2. They have a lot of data but are still clueless. 3. They are supposed to help you solve problems but half the time they are the problem. 4. As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer, you could have had a newer and better model.
The group of men reported that computers should be refered to as "SHE" because:
1. No one but the creator understands their logic.
2. The native language they use to talk to other computers is incomprehensible to anyone else. 3. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for later retrieval.
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
K. For some reason I like the way males describe females. I don't know why, I guess I SHOULD be insulted. but I like the idea of guys not being able to understand us. I don't know, it's weir.d
4ever Bella + Edward
Been getting lots of comments on my blog latly! yay! u probaly noticed that i've started spelling my name Courtnee... 2 people said they liked it, and that's enough for me!
Went to see The Bridge to Terabithia today. Good movie! I totaly recommmend it!
*sigh* not sure what else to type, so tt4n (ta ta for now)!!!
4ever Bella + Edward
Hey, ya'll watz up? I'm very bored! But good news! I' m reading New Moon! Great book, almost done with it! Watching Jonas Brothers music videos. Okay, Snickers, they're not hot, but they're cute! happy? ; ) cya monday!
Anyway, I was watching Hilary Duff's new music video, to With love, a couple days ago, and i hate it! why does she have to dance like that? its gross. i still lke the song, just not the vid. The last good video she made was Beat of My Heart. That was a long time ago. Now she's an adult. Why did she have to grow up?!
Anyway, gonna see if Growing Pains is on. I came across it last night and love it!
Over and Out,
Courtnee (do ya like that spelling? i'm thinking of doing it that way, but not sure. i need feedback!)
4ever Bella + Edward
Just Me
Mood: unhappy (i stayed home sick!!!)
Book(s) I'm In The Middle Of Reading: New Moon
Currently Listening To: Jonas Brother's Year 3000
Supposed To Be Doing: Resting
I Wish: I'd stop feeling like throwing up and The Midnighters: Secret Hour would come in for me at the library!!!
Bella + Edward... 4ever?
Posted by Courtney @ 2:38 PM 41 Replies
Catagory: Just Me
Cats & Dogs
A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a god!
Dogs have masters... Cats have people.
Dogs come when called... Cats take a messege.
Dogs look great at the end of a leash... Don't even think about it.
Dogs will sit, lie down, and heel on command... Cats will smirk and walk away
Dogs will sit on the car seat next to you... Cats have to have their own private box or they will not go at all.
Dogs will bark to wake you up if the house is on fire... Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.
4ever Bella + Edward
14 Signs That Your Kitty Want You Dead
14. Seems mighty chummy with the dog all of a sudden.
13. Unexplained calls to F. Lee Bailey's 900 number on your bill.
12. You find a stash of "Feline of Fortune" magazines behind the couch.
11. Cyanide pawprints all over the house.
10. You wake up to find a bird's head in your bed.
9. As the wind blows over the grassy knoll in downtown Dallas, you get a faint whiff of catnip.
8. Droppings in litter box spell out "REDRUM."
7. Takes attentive notes every time "Itchy and Scratchy" are on.
6. You find blueprints for a Rube Goldberg device that starts with a mouse chased into a hole
and ends with flaming oil dumped on your bed.
5. Has taken a sudden interest in the wood chipper.
4. Instead of dead birds, leaves cartons of Marlboros on your doorstep.
3. Ball of yarn playfully tied into a hangman's noose.
2. You find a piece of paper labeled "MY WIL" that reads "LEEV AWL 2 KAT."
1. Now sharpens claws on your car's brake lines.
A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy scout and a pastor were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane.
Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble. In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down.
Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute, yelled to the passengers that they had better jump, and bailed out.
Unfortunately there were only three parachutes remaining.
The doctor grabbed one and said "I'm a doctor, I save lives, so I must live," and jumped out.
The lawyer then said "I'm the smartest man in the world, I deserve to live!" He grabbed a parachute and jumped, also.
The pastor looked at the little boy scout and said, "My son, I've lived a long and full life. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Take the last parachute and live in peace."
The little boy scout handed the parachute back to the pastor and said "Not to worry, Preacher. 'The smartest man in the world' just jumped out with my back pack."
4ever Bella + Edward
Connected by Sara Paxton (Aquamarine pics)
4ever Bella + Edward
Posted by Courtney @ 3:43 PM 4 Replies
Catagory: Video Clips
I've been feeling so sick 2day! At times I feel great! But most of the time I have this awful stomache ache!!! I hope I can go 2 skool 2morrow!
4ever Bella + Edward
Weird dreams
Last nigth I was feeling soo sick. I kept almost throwing up and i had a heck of a headache! I was reading Spy High (good series, try it! by A. J. Butcher) before I fell asleep.
I deampt about Spy High, Partly Star Wars(was watching it before bed-time), and school. The school part was weird. My mom was subbing in one of my classes and sent my BFF, her boyfriend, and I to deliver a note to the office. When we got back they were watching a movie. The next day, when the normal teacher (well, not really. it was a weird teacher, not the one i have in real life, but in the dream she was normal) asked us to take out our homework. Except I didn't have it. of my bff and her bf. cos hwe went to the office. so she sent us to the office to do the homework we missed.
it was weird.
And i was exausted in the dream... lol.
can't wait for New Moon to come in @ the liberary! my other bff said it should have come in for her at her liberary, so with any luck, i'll be reading it tommorow!!! (no skool 2day, Prez.'s Day)
4ever Bella + Edward
The Jonas Brothers
I luv the Jonas Brothers!!! Year 3000 is my fave song!!!
Yesterday i waz @ my grandma's house and on the Disney Channel they had the Year 3000 music video! THEN when i got home my friend IMed me and told me that i HAVE to go to their web site and she luvs Year 3000! soooo weird!!!
4ever Bella + Edward
Well, it's finaly the weekend!
It's not fair. 2 kids from skool in florida. It's not fair, i tell you, NOT FAIR!!! I wanna go to the beach! grrrrrr!!!! And it's weird, not having a head of blonde hair in fron of me in English. I don't feel secure without being surrounded. There's a boy behind me, a girl to my left (the desks are in sets of 2 and rows. If you're on the right side-like me- you have to CLIMB into your seat. grrr), and NORMALY another boy right in front of me. But nooooooo, HE decided to go to WARMTH and SUNSHINE! okay, my rant's over.
Today The Bridge To Terabithia comes out! i read the book and can't wait to see it! i MIGHT see it 2morow, but the chances are slim
4ever Bella + Edward
To be a model...
It would b kewl 2 b a model. I wish i could model. it sounds fun. i know standing around with a camera in front of you all day probaly doesn't sound appealing to most people, but it does me.
Sayings from TV shows and books
"A sadistic vampire, intent on torturing her. Sure, no problem. She goes off to meet him. But an IV on the other hand..."
-Edward, Twilight
"Even if my molocules were spread out from here to whatever galaxy my home planet is in, that wouldn't stop me. All my molocules would be like little homeing pigeons.They'd all zoom to you, and then I'd re-form."
-Max Evans, Roswell High: The Stowaway
"You know what, Voice? My friends ARE my world."
-Max Ride, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Lucy: We're revoulting!
Ricky: No more than usual.
-Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy
"Don't call me names, Cheesehead!"
-Michelle, Full House
"You know, Davis is a nice guy, but why do I get the feeling that we're gonna come in here one morning and all the corpses are gonna be dressed up for an imaginary tea party?"
-Jack Harper, Tru Calling
"Yeah, I went hunting once. Shot the deer in the leg. Had to kill it with a shovel, took about an hour. Why do you ask? "
Michael Scott, The Office
"That girl's so stupid she can get tangled in a cordless phone!"
-Benita B., In Living Color
Doug: You know, I just love those mortotcylcle commercials. They make me want to do somthing crazy, like go out and get a tattoo of Micky Mouse giving the finger.
Spence: Micky Mouse can't give the finger. He only has four fingers!
Doug: No, I think you're thinking of the Hamburger Helper hand.
Spence: I think I would know. I was part of the Micky Mouse fan club once!
Doug: And the last piece of the 'why I'm still single' puzzle, *click* in place.
-Doug and Spence, The King of Queens
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Nobody Else Has To Know
Posted by Courtney @ 11:46 AM 7 Replies
Catagory: Bored, Maximum Ride, Roswell
I took a quiz on
It's called What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
I got...
Your 2005 Song Is |
"But since you've been goneI can breathe for the first timeI'm so moving on" In 2005, you moved on. |
So kewl, cos it's sooo true AND i love that song!!! :D
Fang's POV
Chapter 3
“Erasers, version 6.5” I said.
“Split up!” Max ordered. “Nudge! Gazzy! Nine o’clock! Angel, up top! Move it! Iggy and fang, flank me from below! Fang, ditch the dog!”
“Nooo, Fang!” screeched Angel.
I went below Max, but I couldn’t bear ditching the dog. I knew how Angel loved that furry dead weight, so I put him in my backpack.
The Erasers’ had huge, heavy-looking wings, bearing their teeth. I picked one and sped up to it. When I reached it I clapped my hands over its fuzzy ears. The Eraser screamed and went down. I quickly rolled out of harm’s way.
There were so many of them… I picked another and began kicking it. It was a lot easier in the air, since these mutants needed serious flying lessons.
I heard Nudge scream, and Max went to rescue her. I punched my Eraser under the chin. His head jerked back.
I looked to see how Ig was doing. He was doing fine, just putting a small bomb down a Eraser’s shirt. Max tried to help him, obviously not knowing about the bomb. He yelled at her to get away.
I started punching an Eraser.
“You… are… a… fridge… with wings,” I shouted at him. “We’re… freaking… ballet… dancers…”
I glanced back at Max.
And did a double take.
Was that Ari she had just kicked in the face?
“Fang!” she yelled.
Then I felt a sharp pain in my side, realizing that Ari had just shredded my jacket… and my skin.
The Erasers that had somehow survived were retreating. Ari looked around and retreated clumsily with the rest of the wolf-men.
“We’ll be back!” he snarled.
“Boy, you just can’t kill people like you used to,” I said.
Chapter 4
We waited for a few minutes to see if the fight would resume. It didn’t.
I saw Max looking at me worriedly.
“I’m fine,” I said.
“Angel? Gazzy? Nudge? Report,” she said.
“Leg hurts, but I’m okay,” said Gaz.
“I’m fine, and so are Total and Celeste,” said Angel.
“I’m okay,” said Nudge, sounding exsausted.
“My nose,” said Iggy. “But no biggie.”
“Okay, then,” said Max. We’re almost to DC. It should be easy to get lost in another big city. We good to go?”
No. My side hurt so bad. I couldn’t think of a time I’ve ever hurt this much. But I nodded with everybody else.
There was a lot of conversation, but I tuned it out. My wings ached, so I slowed down a little. I felt warm blood on the arm that I was trying to stop the blood from falling on an innocent jogger.
A while later Max dropped down next to me. “What’s going on?” she said in a no-nonsense tone.
“Nothing,” I managed to say.
“Fang-“she started to say, but noticed the blood on my arm. “Your arm!”
“It’s not my arm,” I mumbled.
Then it went black.
What the heck is wrong with these people???
Maximum Ride is NOT on the teen's top ten books for 2006! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?!?!
Here's the site...
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment was on 2005's top ten, but School's Out-- Forever isn't on 2006!!! GRRR!!!!!
But Twilight is! It's number two or somthing. I LOVE Twilight! It's about this girl, Bella. She just moved to Forks, Washington, a town she hates. But there's this boy at school... He's one of the most beautiful (how she described him) kids at school, and he just appears places... And he mysteriously saved her life. It is soooooooooooooo good!!!
Fang's Point Of View!
I decided to write a Fang's POV! I know that on the MR Messege Board, they have a Iggy's POV, and I decided to give Fang a shot. It was actualy a lot easier than I thought! It just started flowing out of me. That rarly ever happens!!! It was so fun! I'm not finished yet, though. Just in Chapter 3. When they discover Ari is alive.
Here it is (i'm only givin ya chapters 12 cos i'm not dun w/ 3 yet):
Fang’s POV
Chapter 1
Ahhh. There’s nothing better than going for a fly on a nice day like this—even if we were running for our lives.
“Oh, my gosh! A UFO!” Gazzy said suddenly. He’s been doing this for the past couple of hours. It’s been getting pretty annoying. Actually, it was always annoying.
“That was funny the first fifty times. It’s getting old,” said Maximum, more conveniently called Max. Don’t try calling her Maximum. Trust me, I’ve done it once and I’ll never do it again.
“How long ‘till be get to DC?” asked Nudge. She’d been doing this for a long time, too. Also getting annoying.
I was getting tired, but I tried not to show it. After all, I am practically second in command.
Okay, so you want to know who we are. Here’s the story:
I’m Fang. There’s also Max (age fourteen), Iggy (also fourteen, like me), Angel (six), Nudge (eleven), and The Gasman –Gazzy-(eight).
We’re not you’re average kids. We’re mutants, with wings. Some of us have powers (e.g., everybody but Max and I). Nudge can tell who used an item last and everything about them, just by touching it. Gazzy can imitate any sound- which is really inconvenient for a eight year old who is really interested in gross bodily functions. Iggy, also blind, can tell who a fingerprint belongs to, and Angel can -this is really weird- read minds, breathe under water, and CONTROL MINDS. Kinda disturbing.
I moved up alongside Max. She looked kind of stressed. Maybe because she had killed Ari, a mutant- wolf man –called Eraser- and a kid we had grown up around. She had only done it in self-defense, though.
“You okay?” I asked her.
“In what way?” she asked. “Could you be more specific?”
“Killing Ari.” I hadn’t meant it to be so subtle, but I couldn’t think of anyway to say it.
A look of sadness passed over her.
“It was you or him,” I said. “I’m glad you picked him.”
She let out a deep breath. But she didn’t look any happier. I decided she needed to be alone for a little bit, so I gave an extra beat of my wings and moved ahead.
A few minutes later Angel asked Max if she could take Total, a dog she picked up at the Institute, where we had just escaped.
Of course, Max said no, probably since Total weight half her weight. So she volunteered me. How thoughtful.
“Here, have a dog,” she said. Then she sped up, flying in front of us.
Chapter 2
It was getting dark. We were currently flying over an ocean, between Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
“Look, kids, we’re learning geography!” I said in mock excitement. Actually, this was probably as close to learning geography as ever, since we’ve never been to school.
We were getting closer to DC. I wondered what Max‘s plan was.
I was getting tired. Real tired. Then I noticed Max doing a 360.
“Fang!” she called. “Behind us, at ten o’clock!”
I frowned and studied the cloud that was nearing us. “Too fast for a storm cloud. Too small, too quiets for choppers. Not birds- too lumpy.” I could figure out what the heck it was! “I give up. What is it?”
“Trouble,” she muttered. “Angel! Get out of the way. Guys, heads up! We’ve got company!”
We all swung around at the same time to face whatever the thing was.
“Flying monkeys?” guessed Gazzy. “Like The Wizard of Oz?”
Then Max’s face took a whole new meaning of terror. “No, worse,” she said. “Flying Erasers.”
Kewl Kwiz
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream. |
Oh, my gosh! this is sooo weird!!!!!
No cheating! Don't jump to the answer, just scroll down and answer each question one at a time...
Take this test mentally, don't write down your answers, and don't shout them out.
1. Pick a number from 2 to 9. It can be 2 or it can be 9, or any number in between.
2. Take that number that you've chosen, and multiply it by 9.
3. That should give you a two digit number. Take those two digits and add them together.
4. Take the resulting number and subtract 5 from it.
5. Take that number and correspond it to the alphabet, numbering the letters. A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on.
6. Take your letter, and think of a country that begins with that letter.
7. Take the last letter in the name of that country, and think of an animal.
8. Now, take the last letter in the name of that animal, and think of a color.
9. But always remember, that there are no orange kangaroos in Denmark!!
The Cutse...
An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a "Curse" he has been living with for the last 40 years.
The Wizard says "maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you."
The old man says without hesitation "I now pronounce you man and wife".
Dear Dad,
$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you like you can $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.
Love, Your $on.
Dear son,
I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even a hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.
Love, Dad.

Have you noticed...
on TV (movies, or just plain TV), a person has a fishing pole. Someone else is bent over. The person with the fishing pole throws it over their shoulder and the hook catches on to the bent over person's pants. It ALWAYS happens that way! Why??? We need a little diversity, peoples!
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than ten years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.
"How old are you?"
"I'm four and a half."
You're never 36 and a half . . . You're four and a half going on 5.
You get into your teens; now they can't hold you back.
You jump to the next number.
"How old are you?"
"I'm gonna be 16." You could be 12, but you're gonna be 16. Eventually.
Then the great day of your life; you become 21.
Even the words sound like a ceremony.
You BECOME 21 . . . Yes!!
Then you turn 30. What happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk. He TURNED! We had to throw him out. What's wrong?
What changed? You BECOME 21; you TURN 30.
Then you're PUSHING 40 . . . stay over there. You REACH 50.
You BECOME 21; you TURN 30; You're PUSHING 40; you REACH 50; then you MAKE IT to 60.
By then you've built up so much speed, you HIT 70. After that, it's a day by day thing. You HIT Wednesday . . .
You get into your 80's; you HIT lunch, you HIT 4:30. My grandmother won't even buy green bananas. "Well, it's an investment, you know, and maybe a bad one." And it doesn't end there . . .
In the 90's, you start going backwards. "I was JUST 92."
Then a strange thing happens; if you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. "I'm 100 and a half!"
YAY!!!! PLEASE visit my BRAND NEW website!!!
White Out
I asked for snow and received a blizzard. Maybe no school on Monday??? *looks hopeful*
You Know You're Becoming A Courtney When...
(BEWARE: If you have any of these symptoms, do something immediately!!!)
- You're extremely surprised when you start talking about genetics (chromosomes, genes, DNA, ya know) and the person you're talkin to just stares at you blankly.
- If someone doesn't know how to compose an e-mail, instant message, send a mass e-mail, or set up their own web site, you are very surprised and being thinking that this person has had a very deprived childhood...
- You ask a person if they know who Lillix is. they say no. You stare. You ask them if they know who Brie Larson is. They say no again. Your jaw drops. You ask them if they know who Jump5 is. They, again, say no. You then being telling them that they need to get out more and give em a ton of web sites they just must go to.
- You consider anyone who hates Maximum Ride imbeciles.
- You read books with much blood and gore, but you feel sick when in Health class you watch a movie with someone running through a glass and get cut very badly.
- You get freaked out everytime you read a book with Erasers (Maximum Ride), Bounty Hunters (Roswell High), or Intruders (Replica), and yet you can't stop reading them over and over.
- You start making posts on your blog called "You Know You're Becoming a [Your Name Here]..."