i am SO addicted to Naruto!!! ^^ that's why i haven't posted much lately. cuz i'm off watching Naruto!!! But i will try to tear myself away from that window for five minutes to post...
i am SO addicted to Naruto!!! ^^ that's why i haven't posted much lately. cuz i'm off watching Naruto!!! But i will try to tear myself away from that window for five minutes to post...
Naruto: Hey! It's the fuzzy eyebrow guy!
Sakura: DON'T TALK TO LEE LIKE THAT! *beats Naruto to the ground*
Naruto: What happened while i was asleep?!
(for those of you who don't know...)
before Sakura didn't like Lee, then when Naruto woke up, she did. i can see how he would find that confusing ;) it's episode 34. yes, there is a reason why Sakura is suddenly sticking up for Lee.
if you weren't convinced that my friends are immature by that post, this post will more than likely change your mind.
there's not much to the cursed seat... today was the first time that happened! but angel's face was soooooo funny... XD XD XD
but my friends are kind of seperated with these labels:
Stacey and Nudge: the pervs (aka the ones always making the sexual jokes)
Angel: the hyyyyper one!
H: she laughs along with all of the jokes...
Antartica: basically the same as H (and the boy-crazy one!)
Me: the one who always spaces out, and when everyone bursts out in laughter, i always say "what? what? what happened? TELL ME!!!"
you know what? Nudge is the perfect match for Shigure Sohma (from fruits basket)! they're both perverted!!!
i would share some of the jokes they make, but they can get reeeeaaally gross...
oh, remember how i said how Stacey shouted how she and H were "so over"? heh, heh...
oops, g2g. more l8r!!!
UPDATE: Continued!!!
okay. i KNOW i was going to say something about the StaceyxH thing, but i cannot remember what... ugh i HATE it when that happens!!!
oh, yes... i think i may remember part or what i was going to type...
i joined my friends one morning before classes... we were talking, then Stacey said "You and Antartica are together!!!" Antartica and I looked at each other, looked at Stacey, and looked at each other again. Silence. Then I said, "Okaaay, then. Antartica, we are OVER!" (that seems to be our groups motto, doesn't it?). that is the day that the cursed seats became cursed (um, i meant the day that whoever -Stacey or Nudge, i think- decided that they would be the cursed seats.)
now i have no idea what to type anymore... oh!
lately, Angel has been doing this geko thing. one night she started flicking her tounge out. then she bent her pinkie fingers and thumbs behind her other fingers so only three were standing normally. "I'm a GEKO!" she exclaimed. "See? See? Gekos only have three fingers! hahahaha!!!" i couldn't stop laughing!!! it was sooooo funny! then she did a pig-nose thing and puffed up her cheeks and pushed her pursed lips as close to her nose as possible. it was hi-larious!!!
(Ichigo and Momoko are at a resteraunt, and a guy thinks Momoko is a waitress)
"Hey, pops. You got a problem with my friend here? Huh?"
"No. It's just that the spagetti we ordered hasn't come yet, so I just asked her about it, that's all."
"Yeah, well, she's a customer like yourself, all right? What's the matter, you can't tell the difference between a waitress and a customer? You blind or something? You need glasses? Or maybe you got a lot of gummy stuff in your eyes, cuz nobody would look at her and think she... uh, wait a minute, anybody'd look at you and think you're a waitress. Why're you wearing that dumb outfit, you dope?"
-Ichigo and a guy, talking about Momoko, Kamikaze Girls
Posted by Courtney @ 4:46 PM 1 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
(sorry bout the title of this post XD)
so... i wasn't posting cuz i thought i didnt have anything 2 post about... then i remembered!!! heh, heh. i hope angel doesn't kill me for posting about this... but in my defense, she WAS telling a bunch of people yesterday!
so, at lunch, angel tends to get really hyper... i think it may have something to do with the school
s food? well, anyways, on this particular day (yesterday) angel was SUPER hyper (hyper for angel, not hper for a normal person! angel is usually hyper, it's normal for her)... she was bouncing around, tugging on my shirt (actualy, that day i was wearing my favourite long black coat with buttons... but that's beside the point!), talking really fast, etc, etc, etc. then she started telling me about how there's this girl who's a third year and that's her cousin, and has the opposite hair colour that angel has... and then suddenly this person is in our grade and has the same hair colour as her but has great eyesight (angel's eyesight... not so great. but better than mine!), and is really nice... "i guess you could say she's my inner twin!" exclaimed angel (still on a major sugar-high). she said that she can communicate with her "inner twin" sometimes. i asked her to. she closed her eyes and was silent for a few moments (wow, silence from angel!). "Nope," she said finally. "She's kind of, well i guess you could say she's sleeping. *ahem* last night i kind was in a really bad mood, and she was in a great mood, and it really got on my nerves... so i kind of... drugged her. oh, she has a major hangover right now. i actualy kind of used... alcohol." then i told nudge that angel was killing herself XD her reaction was kind of funny.
THEN angel put her hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut and said, "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!" (Me: ???) "The voices! They won't shut up!!!"
Me: Oh, she's hearing voices now. I knew it would happen sooner or later.
then she told some people (that she talks to sometimes) that she was hearing voices... XD and that they wouldn't shut up XD XD XD
*ahem* we dedicated two seats at the table that we always eat at in the cafeteria at the "cursed seats." meaning: the next two girls to sit at those seats at the same time ate "together." (we had a whole thing about that kind of stuff...)
well, today i sat next to nudge instead of angel and angel sat in one of the cursed seats (which we pretty much forgot about, since anybody rarely comes to our table to visit... and i can see why. angel, the only girl who can get hyper on AIR.). then my cousin came and sat down in the other seat. none of us noticed, butH i saw angel giving this HI-LARIOUS look!!! i can't describe it, it would be too hard XD but then nudge noticed how hard i was laughing (at angel's look), and appeared to remember the "cursed seats." she motioned to Stacey, who burst out laughing, saying "i forgot all about those!!!" then after laughing she said "the cursed seats!" when she saw my confused expression. by that time, everyone was laughing, except for my cousin, who was demanding that we tell her what's the heck is going on! after stacey explained, angel jumped up and sat in a different seat, while yelling, "We are SO over!!!" more laughs. XD
ah, yes, we have a gross sense of humour in that way. one day, in a crowded hallway, (after the "whole thing we had" that i metioned two paragrpahs up-- at the end of two paragraphs up) Stacey yelled to H "We are SO over!" i wasn't there, but i hear that she got weird looks... XD
end of long post! cya l8r!
CUTE-chan, OUT! (XD! i've always wanted to end a post like that! XD)
since this is the 700th post, i shall post a funny video!
bird poops in guys mouth XD
"Why are they in such a perky mood in the morning?"
-Sasuke, Naruto
i wonder that every day about my friends...
Posted by Courtney @ 6:36 PM 1 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
a lot of this trailer looks prettu stupid, but i like the end.
btw, Momoko's wearing Lolita!
and for those of you who care... i ordered Crying Out Love, in the Centre of the World online a few days ago! YAY!!! *cheers*
Can you cry under water?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. But it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane ?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?
Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place?
(Doug and Carrie are in bed, sleeping. Doug rolls over. Doug's side of the bed breaks, Doug's on the floor)
Carrie: What happened?
Doug: *groan* The bed broke.
Carrie: Are you sure?
Doug: Well, let's work backwards. Do I usualy sleep with my head in the closet?!
Posted by Courtney @ 9:34 PM 1 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
"I found out the tragic truth when I was three years-old that it wasn't humanly possibly for me to become a hippo."
-Penguin-san (from animeforums.com)
Posted by Courtney @ 1:15 PM 1 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
looks like a WONDERFUL movie. i did post the trailer two post down, here, so go watch it! :D it's only about 2 minutes long. it's so sad :( it gave me shivers the first few times i saw it. u love the music that plays when it show Aki in a wedding dress. i am SO buying that movie!
the book is wonderful, too! Socrates in Love. ^^ here's some reviews from this page
Wonderful Philosophy and just plain sad...
Chrissy, a shojo addict, 08/20/2006
I got this book because i read other reviews and it sounded like something that appealed to me. Luckily, it was good and i read it in two days...the book is pretty short overall, but the story is WONDERFUL and, of course, it will make you cry several times. I highly recommend this book and i look forward to checking out the manga! (This best part is that it is all told from the guys POV). *tear
A Tearjerker To The End
Miyayuki, a writer, and a lover of literature, 04/10/2006
This is a very sad novel. I've read both the manga and the novel now and both had me crying at the end. 'Sekachu' is an excellent book that everyone should pick up.
Rebecca Morales, a high school journalist, 03/10/2006
I love the book. Kyoichi Katayama just captored the pure innocence of your first love. He painted his words with such detail that I felt as if I was expeirencing the same emotion that Saku felt for Aki. I was in tears from the moment I read the first to the last line.
actual reviews:
A sweet high school romance between an average guy and a beautiful girl has just gotten underway. But tragedy ensues when the girl falls ill with leukemia. A bittersweet tale of young love, enduring devotion, and heartbreaking loss, Socrates in Love is a story to cherish and nurture.
from here
I knew before I bought it that Socrates in Love would make me cry. My husband had one condition for buying it for me: that I was not to read it around him, as seeing me continually weep while reading this novel would break his heart. I ended up reading the book in one three-hour sitting; yes, it's that good.
Affectionally called "Sekachu" (short for Sekai no Chushin de Ai wo Sakebu -- "Crying Out Love in the Center of the World" -- the novel's Japanese title), this classic love story has inspired a manga series (the first volume available now from VIZ Media), a movie, and a TV show. "Sekachu" is the top selling novel in Japan, with over three million readers of this tale of innocent love and heart-shattering loss.
The story is quite simple. Sakutaro Matsumoto is a rather quick-witted, sarcastic and intellectual teenage boy. Aki Hirose is a cute down-to-earth girl. They meet in junior high school as class representatives, where they slowly fall in love and begin to date, seeing their future bright with each other, together. However, sixteen-year-old Aki suddenly gets sick, and she is hospitalized. The doctors tell the young couple that she has aplastic anemia, but Sakutaro soon suspects the truth: leukemia. He watches Aki's struggle with the disease, and her slow decline until her passing, after which Sakutaro has to learn how to keep on living without the love of his life. Running parallel to this timeless story of devotion is that of Sakutaro's grandfather, who has never forgotten his first love, even though he married and had children with another woman, and she with another man. Circumstances drove them apart, yet by combining their ashes, the star-crossed lovers will be finally be reunited after death.
It's a simple story, yet it opens the door to many philosophical questions about life, love, death, and whether there is an afterlife. Aki doesn't believe in an afterlife; she believes that the world has everything that you want or need in it right now, so there's no need for heaven. Since their love is so strongly present in the world, it will remain even after death. Sakutaro is somewhat skeptical of that belief, but as time goes on after Aki's death, he feels her presence in the world so keenly that it must be true. Aki lives on, along with their relationship.
I made it to page twenty-six before the floodgates of my eyes were opened, and they never really dried up until the end of the novel. I would recommend Socrates in Love for high school and older readers, not because of adult language, but because the novel requires the reader to have experienced something of love and loss in order to feel deeply the pain and happiness of Sakutaro and Aki. This book takes on new meaning when you have someone in your life that you love so much.
This isn't VIZ Media's first translated novel; that honor goes to Battle Royal. However, this does mark a growing movement by the company into the novel publishing market, with Fullmetal Alchemist: The Land of Sand and Ghost in the Shell: Innocence After the Long Goodbye also released in October, to be followed by Steamboy and Kamikaze Girls in the winter. As it is, Socrates in Love is a beautiful hardcover book, well-bound and free of printing errors, or at least none that were noticeable to me through the tears. Akemi Wegmüller has done a great job in translating the text; Sakutaro and Aki felt like actual teenagers with distinct personalities and quirks. The only addition that I would have made to this novel would have been including a forward at the beginning of the novel, something to introduce us to the world of Socrates in Love, or conversely, a more lengthy afterword than the one that the author provides us. The emotional trip that the reader takes feels all too brief, but then again, as Sakutaro muses, that's how life is. Time goes by too quickly when you're with someone that you love, and you end up at the place of parting seemingly in no time at all.
Posted by Courtney @ 4:32 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: *happyness*, *sigh*, awesome
so i shall make a list!
what i want in my future boyfriend. i've had a bunch of talk about this with angel, and i shall finally blog it!
i can't think of any more right now... i'll probaly add to this list later.
School Principal: The policy of this school is that sex doesn't exist.
Reba: How's that working out for ya?
-Reba and the school principal, Reba
Posted by Courtney @ 4:22 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
(Oh, joy, they're thinking)
sorry, i've had a really busy week! a big test in english to study for!
i went up north w/ my family (grr) last weekend! we went to this one place... it's like a really nice hotel, and it has a fawesome water park in it! yay! fun! i went down a ton of slides! next time i want to go with my friends, though!!! and i saw this really hawt guy in the lobby on Saturday... but briefly. :( i didn't see him again :( :( i also saw two people i know!!! it was so weird! i only saw the twice in the arcade, tho. then i didn't see them again. but it was weird cuz i go to school with them and i was up north hours from where i live!!! lol it was kewl. we didn't talk or anything, tho.
ahhh, i should make a sandwich for lunch now... *yawn*
sorry, i haven't posted in forever! but i've been so busy! :D i just read this FAWESOME book, Socrates in Love! i finished it then started reading it over again right away! that's how good it is!
Judy: I'm going to fly over there and kick her with the boot that Italy is shaped as!
Bill: Uh, yeah... And I'll... uh, punch her with Michigan!
-from Still Standing
Posted by Courtney @ 5:05 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
it's a'right for guys to read these ones!
Created by Kris Wilson. Go to his gallery! tons of hilarious comics! but just beware, there are some really really nasty ones...
WARNING: IF YOU ARE A GUY, YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ THIS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. (even though this was made by a guy... O.o)