hi! i'm back! school started yesterday. it was okay... i'm really tired!
I shall go through my classes (poor you):
English: The teacher is... kinda strange. i like my teacher from last year. He HATES pencils, we're not alowed to use them! ugh! only black or blue ink pens! grrrr... and he loves Converse high-tops...
For some reason I can't remember the class after English... oh, yeah! Life Skills! it's a pretty fun class! i cant wait till we choose our careers and houses and stuff! <3
Journalism: I have this class right after my brother has a class in that classroom... he keeps walking by me, as i turn my back to him and walk as fast as possible! so far he hasn't seen me... *phew*
Math: lets not go there, please. it's the weekend.
Lunch: same as last year, just a different time.
History: ZZzzZzzzZZZzzz... although there's this super cute guy in it! <3 i shall not say his name, for i do not wish to be teased endlessly by girlnextdoor... although she probaly knows who i'm talking about... :(
Science: today was fun... you know the Scientific Method? well, our teacher was trying to re-teach it to us today... she used a real-life situation... so funny! kay, here's how it went... (i shall call the teacher Mrs. S... "S" for Science lol)
(Mrs. S made up this whole senario, btw. lol.)
Mrs S: Okay, Brooke. Now, this morning you came to me in tears. You don't know who to bring to the football game tonight!
Royce: Oooh! Me! Me! I'll go with her!
Brooke: *laughs*
Mrs S: *laughs and writes Royce's name on the whiteboard* Now, you should also invite someone else.
Brooke: Lexi.
Mrs S: *writes Lexi's name on the board* You also want to bring Seth and Ben. They come together, they're a package deal.
Class: *laughs*
Mrs S: Now, ask them to go with you.
Brooke: Royce, can you come to the game with me?
Royce: I'd LOVE to! but you have to pay for me to get in.
Class: *laughs*
Mrs S: *writes down what Royce said on the board* Now ask Lexi.
Brooke: Can you come to the game with me tonight, Lexi?
Lexi: Sure. And I'll pay for myself! *directs this comment to Royce*
Mrs S: *writes down what Lexi said* Now ask Seth and Ben.
Brooke: Do you want to come to the game with me?
Seth and Ben: *at same time* Of course! And we'll pay for you, too!
Class: *laughs*
kay that was long! i took out the end, where Mrs. S. really got into the science-y stuff... lol. *sigh* i dont feel like typing anymore. buh-bye!
Posted by Courtney @ 4:00 PM
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4 Replies:
My friend, emmy, says she's so much more obsessed w/ Edward Cullen than U. And now here's my friend Emmy on the subject.
Emmy:I love Edward more than u!! muah ha ha!! Jacob is dumb and Vampires will rule the Cosmo's. And I love him more than life! And being a vampire would be the most amazing thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!He's mine so back off! Down with Bella!!!!!!!!I soooo hate that Edward loves Bella!!! Down with Bella! Here's Fire!
Fire: Okay, about that...
1. Jacob's not totally dumb, being able to turn into a wolf is totally kick-butt awesome.
2. Bella isn't all that bad; how can U say that????? U are so hateful!
3. Ryan is mine, Emmy, not yours! U've never even met him!!!!! Just because U see him in a video I took doesn't give U any more right to love him than I have!!!!!! Hah! What are U gonna do about it, Emmy?
(we had this argument earlier, we came to the conclusion that Ryan is like Edward w/o edward's voice and, emmy adds, without his enhanced running abilities and thirst for blood)
Emmy:1. Yes Jacob's abilities are awesome, but i don't like how he feels about Edward...
2. I never said that i hated Bella, i hate that Edward's taken...Geez Fire get it right...
3.And i don't care that i've never met Ryan!!!I love him! yay me! *claps*
1. Agreed.
2. Ditto
3. F U
lol. Jake rox!!! dont diss Jake!!!!!
my friend, Angel, luuuuuuuuvs Edward, too... ^_^
I had my friend over last night, it was really fun. The thing about me is that I don't get jealous if I know how the person feels. That's the only reason I don't get jealous of Max, Riku, or Risa. But I do hate Ari. Nothing can change that.
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