Just watched Cheetah Girls 2 tonite. Very good! Loved it. I'm not sure which one I like best, they're about equal.
Today at school, like I said this morning, there were a teachers vs. vball team/bball team games. There were about 3 volley ball games. All I remember is that the volleyball team won the first game, then I stopped paying much attention and talked to my friend sitting by me. By the middle of the basketball game I was reading (Midnighters: Touching Darkness; very good book so far!). My bffs boyfriend started saying "How the heck can you read at a time like this! It's teachers versus students! Put the book down!" I shooked my head. "No?" he said. "All right, I'm taking the book!" He jumped up and came halfway to my seat before he sat back down. Guess he didn't want to go through all the trouble of returning it after the game.
During Social Studies (ugh. hate that class. Really, do we HAVE to know every -stan country in the world AND their capitals???), this boy (his name shall be confidential for his privacy), who really makes the class entertaining, kept saying how the placment of the lights and vents were bugging him. Lol it was sooo funny. He'd done it in Math awhile ago, too. He mostly obsessed on how the vents in the Math classroom bugged him. He was like "Okay. Four vents are like this. In a nice square. THEN there's THIS vent, far away from the others, RUINING the pattern! They should move it!" The teacher said that maybe the isolated vent was in pattern and all the other vents were out of order, in a teasing way. When they boy said no, the teacher said "Maybe you should put a towel over it," teasing again. It's kinda an inside joke. The boy said towel "tahl," probaly mostly because he's from another part of the counrty. Yesterday, when the teacher learned that, he becan talking about different accents people have from different parts of the world (even though this boy doesn't have an accent, really. He's been living in this are for a long time and the accent went away or somthing).
Well, better go.
4 Replies:
sounds lik fun????
wat is Midnighters: Touching Darkness about?????
who is this guy?
someone i know
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