Soundtrack of My Life
How to play:
- Open up a playlist, set the song selection to random or shuffle mode. (thus whatever song you get is your answer, you can't choose your songs)
- Use the title of the song to fill in the blanks below.
Usually the title ends up as a fairly good answer, but if you end up with something obscure then put the general idea of the song in brackets. Also, the way the soundtrack of your life is set-up is that your life is like a movie.
Regretting: Obscure - Dir En Grey (abortion)
The title didn't make sense, did it? But it's basically about abortion, so it fits in with regretting. And don't worry if it doesn't make sense at all. That's the fun of it.
Opening Credits: Born to Be - Ayumi Hamasaki
Waking Up: Who We Are- Hope Partlow
Falling In Love: The Hell Song - Sum 45
Fight Scene: Anything But Ordinary - Avril Lavigne
Breaking Up: Skin Deep - No Secrets (Beauty isn't just skin deep)
Make Up: Hero (Red Pill Mix) - Superchick
Secret Love: Hot - Avril Lavigne (That song is so dirty... I've been meaning to delete it.)
Your life is: Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Mental Breakdown: Billy S. - Skye Sweetnam (Skipping school, not wanting to study)
Driving Scene: Fairyland - Ayumi Hamasaki
Flashback: He Wasn't - Avril Lavigne (Being disappointed with a guy)
Happy Dance: Born For This - Paramore
Regretting: Blue - Utada Hikaru (It's about... Not 100% sure. Read the translated lyrics here)
Long Night Alone: Fall to Pieces - Avril Lavigne
Final Battle: Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan (No one understanding you)
Death Scene: Too Little, Too Late - JoJo
Final Ending: Flavour of Life - Utada Hikaru
End Credits: My World - Avril Lavigne
(Yes, I am at camp right now ;) Scheduled posting is wonderful)
"We men have three things on our mind. 'I want a sandwich,' 'I want a women,' and 'I want a women who can make me a sandwich.'"
-Brock Hart, Reba
Ehh, I forgot that I had today to post still. Hehe.
Sunday- Church.
Monday- Nothing.
Tuesday- Angel's.
Wednesday- Work local Fair parking with Angel.
Thursday- Same as Wednesday.
Friday- Benefit dinner for a woman with cancer that goes to my church.
Saturday- Amusment park with Angel ^-^
Sunday- Leave for summer camp! (With Angel... So much Angel...)
That is my week.
By the way, about that post about my mother... She really isn't all that bad. Just reeeaaally annoying sometimes.
This is amazing!
(You can skip over the beginning and go to the dance)
Most people hate these things. But it is something to do ^-^
Tagged by Alanna
-Link the person who tagged you
-State the rules in your blog
-Tell 6 quirks about yourself
-Tag 6 other bloggers
-Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you've tagged telling them they've been tagged and to go to your blog for details
I'll try to think of six! This shouldn't be hard
1. I sit down in the shower. It's comfortable! I don't know why... I was on AnimeForum and there was a thread about whether you take a shower or bath (I take showers). Someone said that they sit down in the shower. Sooo.. I decided to try it! I like it. Been doing it ever since (laugh).
2. If I have gum, it will be gone within the week. I just bought a pack of gum last Saturday. I chewed the last piece last night. T_T
3. I am an orginize freak. I can't stand going into my bedroom right now because it's so freaking messy! Usually I just shove my junk under my bed or into my closet (out of sight, out of mind!). But I have to clean out my room cuz of the redecorating. And I can't stand our pantry! I had it all orginized, cans on one shelf, boxes on another, but no one will listen to the orginization! There are cans next to the cereal! It's madness!
4. I hate using soap when I shower. It's a sanitary thing. I mean, someone rubs it onto their washcloth, rubs the cloth onto heir body, and then probaly onto the washcloth again! Or, evem worse, soap-to-skin! I use shower gel, thank you very much.
5. My iPod goes with my everywhere. I mean everywhere. School, Angel's, I put hin on his dock and listen to him when I'm in the shower... Oh, yes. And I named him. Gerard. ;)
6. GRAMMAR. I have somewhat of an obsession with grammar. I hate it when people use bad grammar T_T It sounds uneducated. My mother uses bad grammar, and I can't stand it. *sigh*
I have tagged:
Yay! I just learned how to type Japanese on my computer! I'm having fun with it, lol。
コトニ の かわいい ねこ~
(Courtney's cute cat~ I hope I wrote that correctly. Random sentence XP)
I'm just being weird now ;P
Saturday I bought Fruits Basket volume 15! Very good. I'm still reading it, though. In the middle. I love all of the chibis! Kyaa, ゆき!Yuki is my favourite character. Hmph, all but one of my friends like Kyo best. Yuki, Yuki! *sigh* I am being weird. I wonder why...
I have camp next week! So you won't be hearing from me for awhile... Unless I try out that new thing Blogger has, where I can create posts ahead of time and set a time for them to be published! Then you won't be bored while I'm gone ;P
Random cosplay!
Jin's comments:
So... What happened here? o_O Kind of makes you wonder why L looks just a little traumatized, Light is absolutely exhausted and Misa is... very happy. And she's posing for poor Watari who just opened the door and is getting headaches from taking care of not just one, but three crazy teenagers. They keep finding ways to make him drop his tray of milk and cookies.
More pantsless!L in boxers, Misa-Misa in her nightshirt from Episode 12, and the self-proclaimed god of the new world in his kitty pajamas (DO NOT MOCK MY KITTIES DESU)
All credit goes to the Tuxedo Team. Jin (Light), Miguel (L), China (Misa), and Sandra (photographer).
EDIT: Btw, thank you soo much for the 10,000+ hits!!!
Nothing to post about... Nothing to post about....
I just finished the first season of Alias. I'm so sad :'( My favourite character died!!!! *sob* Why does all the bad stuff happen to my favourite characters? Rock Lee, Gaara, Kisshu, the guy on Alias whose name I'm not going to say so I don't spoil it for anyone, even though this show is like eight years old and I doubt anyone is watching it. But still.
And the season was left off on a HUGE cliffhanger! I just called my mother (who left us all to go grocery shopping) and begged her to pick up the second season at Family Video. Lol.
My computer has a virus. I think. Everytime I try to go to a website that I have bookmarked, it takes me to some idiotic search engine. And videos won't load! I want to watch Shippuuden, dammit! Let me!!!
On the up side, Last Comic Standing is on tonight.
This is hilarious.
Lee: Neji.
Neji: Oh, hell no!
(Lee did that with such a serious look... XDDD)
EDIT: Dont' watch part 1:55 if you haven't seen part episode 31 and don't like spoilers!
"He rants about art being 'beauty that last forever' and then dies a second later!"
I like Deidara. He's defintally my favourite Atatsuki member. I'm going to make a Deidara plush next (after I finish Momiji).
My favourite Naruto characters (because they keep changing :D)
1. Rock Lee
2. Gaara
3. Deidara
4. Tenten
5. Shikamaru
Of course, once the arc I'm watching on Shippuuden is over, the list'll probaly change all over again.
[絢香] Ayaka- I Believe
Three things~
1) Ayaka was the first Japanese artist I started listening to.
2) I was watching this video when I discovered how to tell if someone is Japanese by the shape of their eyes (later I learned the difference between Chinese and Korean).
3) This is a beautiful video ^^
My favourite song
The translated lyrics are great:
There must've been a lot of things you had to bear with
You were crying in your heart, right?
You can't give up on that dream you've chosen, right?
More than the number of times I suffered, more than the number of times I doubt,
I want the number of times I laugh and trust others, and I pray that it'll happen in my life.
You might just have a supporting role
And you might just be a person who stands in another's shadow
When you face off with your dream...
Let him stay inside it, and let him be honest with himself.
You've done this many times... You never gave up
You've done this many times... You stood up many times
You've done this many times...
We... Many times... Believed...
Many times... And dreamed...
Many times...
You've done this many times...
You've done a lot of stupid things... Many times...
You've stood in another's shadow many times
Yes, you're playing the main role now
Please let us dream of whatever we want.
Actually, these are only the lyrics to 2:00. Sorry. The only lyrics that I could find that wer ethe most accurate was the Naruto ending, subbed. The lyrics I found through Google aren't all that great.
O.O Almost sixty hits! In one day! Thank you so much! ありがとう ございます~
Tokyo Mew Mew vs. Mew Mew Power
I know some girls who used to watch Mew Mew Power. They didn't even know Tokyo Mew Mew existed! The horrors!
4Kids is a disgrace to all dubbing companies.
(I mean, there are some good dubs out there! But none of them are by 4Kids.)
Tokyo Mew Mew is obviously better than Mew Mew Power!
I really can't imagine anybody wanting to watch Mew Mew Power after seeing any part of Tokyo Mew Mew.
I tried watching a couple episodes of Mew Mew Power... It didn't work out. Too painful.
Death Note... still on episode 1
I was sewing earlier. And watching Alias. And Tru Calling. So I haven't seen much more of Death Note...
Just a random thought...
I would make a terrible ninja. You know how in Naruto, when they're pursuing someone, they jump from tree branch to tree branch? Yeah, well, I wouldn't be able to do that. I would trip, guaranteed.
Death Note
Well... I started watching Death Note today. I know I said I would do it awhile ago, but Ryuuku creeped mee out too much. But this time I jsut skipped over that part. Every scene that included shinigami up until now, which is when Light and Ryuuku are talking in Light's bedroom.
I used to watch Full Moon wo Sagashite. I stopped a long time ago (around Christmas) because it started to bore me (I don't even remember what episode I'm on). But there is a huge difference between the Shinigami!
My favourite AMVs
I can watch these over and over, and they will never get old! :D
This one makes me sad…
(Shadowmaniac found this first~)
My favourite battle! ^^
Haha, I love this
In the comments of this...
~swimmengal Apr 1, 2008, 6:43:56 PM
I think it took her/him a few HOURS of thought.... so, artistic and brilliant. Yet, so simple.D:
~dmfarble Apr 1, 2008, 8:37:32 PM
Theres artwork like that. Just a big red dot in the middle of a page. And all these people are like Oh my GOD! ITS BRILLIANT
~Saiyukiii Apr 1, 2008, 9:34:23 PM
Like the Japanese flag?
~Rahima04 Apr 3, 2008, 11:39:05 PM
~swimmengal Apr 1, 2008, 10:05:42 PM
Just like the Japanese flag, a red dot in the middle of something ORZ....But i think I see what you mean? Like how there's a few people makeing TONS of money for just throwing paint on a canvas.That really annois me <_<*splat*okay that will be... 2k.wait...*splat flishhhh*6k, thank you very much. Have a nice day.
~dmfarble Apr 2, 2008, 3:31:14 PM
then they dip a fish in paint and chuck it against the wall, its like D:< NO FAIR
~swimmengal Apr 2, 2008, 5:33:18 PM
ah, that's... Really horrible.
*zuluyo Apr 24, 2008, 11:00:17 AM
This is waaay belated, but there's a piece in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art that's just three white canvases next to each other.It was worth three million dollars. Our tour guide told us not to breath on it too much, IT IS VALUABLE.Apparently they repaint it every year, so the white isn't even the original artist's doing.So lame.
~swimmengal Apr 24, 2008, 5:37:43 PM
That made my day haha, and now I'm kinda dissapointed O____O;so.... very pathetic...
~Pearldoor Apr 27, 2008, 6:59:37 PM
I'm free!
I can finally post! Yay! That felt more like a curse than a dare X(
It took me about an hour just to get through all of my messages on deviantART for =draw-girl and ~DNAngel-club!
I was going to finish talking about my Chicago trip, but it's been a week, and... I don't feel like it. But you can read about the ride home (probaly the most important part of the trip) here and here.
So much has happened in the past three days! Well, a lot more than what usually happens.
1. Pocky! I bought Pocky for the first time! I love it. It's really good... And it's almost gone! Hehe. I bought chocolate and strawberry (the only flavours Meijer had). I like strawberry the best.
2. Plushies! They're so much fun to make ^-^ I finished my first plushie, a "flat" Gaara plushie :D I made him because at first I could only find red and beige felt, and by the time I found more, I had already made up my mind to make him. I'll post a photo later :D
3. Angel is haveing a p@rty today ^^ Like, a school's out type party, mainly because we're burning all of our papers from throughout the year! I found some old workbooks from sixth grade, too, so I'm burning those! And my agenda book collection from fourth through eighth grade :D I can't wait! what a pyro...
Random pictures!
(Just because I feel like it)
(Gaaah, there were more, but my computer's acting weird. I need to restart it.)
Ah, if you have time, you must check out *behindinfinity's page! He does wonderful cosplay ^^ Naruto, Ichigo, Kyouya, Ishida, Light, Ulquiorra, and a bunch of other characters. (The links there are to cosplays.)
After reading this and this, I really want to try cosplay sometime!
Okay, long post over. Need to restart Tamaki. (...That didn't sound right...)
I ♥ this cosplay
Buhuhuhu... My friend gave me a really evil, evil dare... To stop blogging, commenting, and basically anything that involves communicating with people on the world wide web... for THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! Starting tommorow. Oh, just wait until he picks dare... *evil laugh*
Chicago Trip, part IV
Chigaco Trip, part III
Remember in that one post, how I said that I would rather go to the Hard Rock Cafe than the Rainforest Cafe??? Well! You know what was sitting right next to the Rainforest Cafe when we got there? The Hard Rock Cafe!!! Aurgh!!! The Rainforest Cafe was so noisy! I didn't like it. We sat right underneath a part of the ceiling that looked like a night sky... Lit up stars. Shooting stars! Hehe.
I think we went to the RFC instead of the HRC cuz our school got some sort of deal there.
I did get an anklet in the gift shop, though (it had a gift shop! I hate it when restaurants have gift shops!). It's cool. Blue beads, with one long cylindar-shaped white bead that has my name on it. Angel bought one just like it.
Short post, I know. But frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
(Does anybody know where that is from? I forgot u_u)
Chigaco Trip, Part II
The charter busses were pretty nice. Two seats in a row, huge windows, compartments above (like airplanes!), air-con... I sat next to Angel. On the way there, Angel read, then passed notes with everybody. I read, drew, listened to music, and sew! When Angel saw that I had a needle out, she started acting like I would purposly poke her with it, or something!!! How rude! :D
When we went to the museum of... What was it... Ah, the Museum of Science and Industry. It was pretty interesting. Quite a bit was very boring. There weren't normal exhibits, the displays had buttons, and sometimes levers, that you push (or pull), and the display does something... Kind of hard to explain?
They had a model of a city (the city?), with a model train ^-^ It was huge! There was even farms on it! I love mini things~
Angel and I got our picture taken there... They had this thing where you could put on an old-fashoined hat and sit in this old-fanshioned-looking car, and they took your picture... Angel didn't was a normal photo, of course. She put on an insane expression while sitting at the wheel, and I tried my best to look terrified. It was hilarious! We each bought one. It's... in my purse still, I think...
Then, when it was around the time to leave, we got sooo lost!!! Our mothers (who came with us :/ ) couldn't figure out where to go! But we eventually found our way out.
I will continue later. I want to watch Shippuuden!
PS. lol, the photo on this post had absolutly nothing to do with everything else.
Chicago Trip, Part I
Okaaay, I JUST got back from my class trip to Chicago... It is 1:42 in the morning!!! It is a long story as to why we got back so late. I shall explain my whole entire trip in parts. Hopefully, this part won't be too long, cuz I really should get to bed (even though I'm not tired anymore; the sleepyness passed around 12:00 am).
I woke up at 5:30 am. Uuuuugh. Got dressed, brushed teeth/hair, then I got on the computer! hehe. Right before we left, I remembered that I forgot to pack the fleece for the hat I'm trying to make (laugh) in my mother's bag! So I did that. Aaaand we left.
We reached my school at... Oh, I don't know! I really don't think that y'all want to know minutes-by-minutes of what we did. I would certainly find that boring :/
We reached the school, went inside, found out what bus we're riding in, waited in the room assigned to that bus, then finally boarded the buses. Charter buses! Very happy-making ^-^
I shall go now. That was very short and not at all interesting, but live with it! It's late, okay?!
I'm going to Chicago tommorow with my class! I'm so excited! We're going to go to a museum in the morning, eat at the Rainforest Cafe for lunch, and then shop. Shop! Shop! Shop! I have sacrificed enough money to buy the rest of the Fruits Basket manga that I don't have for this.
I started reading the Naruto manga again ^^ I own volumes 1-3, but now I'm reading them on I can't wait for the Chuunin exams! I'm still at the Zabuza arc.
Tomorrow is the last full day of school! Yay! Then Wednesday is Chicago!
Background info: Kisame and Gai fought once, and then they fought again about three years later... Except Gai can't seem to remeber Kisame at all.
Gai: *gasp* Water-type ninjutsu and that huge sword... You-!
Kisame: Have you finally remembered?
Gai: I do feel like we've met somewhere before...
Kisame: ...
Gai: *gasp* I knew it! That sword...
Kisame: Got it now?
Gai: It's your weapon, isn't it?!
Neji: You can tell that jsut by looking at him.
Gai: But, there's a huge difference between thinking it's his weapon and knowing it's his weapon.
Lee: That's amazing, Gai-sensei! What incredible insight!
Tenten: You're just figuring that out?
I worry about that man...