Well, my week is all summed up in the title. So now I don't have to post now! Right?
*sigh* fine!
I volunteered at the Special Olympics near where I live. I went with my school ~ some people signed up. Actually, I went because of Girl Scouts. Our troop decided to go. Our troop is really small... three people! Nudge, Angel, and I! ww
Okay, all we really did was help out at some booths that had arts and crafts type things. Pretty boring, if you ask me. Nudge said that we would get back late, but we got back at 6:30! lol.
I was watching an odd Naruto chatroom thingee on YouTube when my brother called from the living room "Hey, Courtney! I think there's a Nah-roo-toh thing on the Cartoon Network!" So I went into the living room and watched part of it, just to see what episode it was (it's a filler that I skipped. something do to with Shino and Ino and fishermen and Naruto disappearing). So when commercial came on, I turned off the television.
And, yes, my brother did actually pronounce it "nah-roo-toh." I worry. My mother did that, too!What wrong with these people?! The only other time I've heard people pronnounce it like that was on Naruto Abridged 13. "Hey, guys! I'm Nah-roo-toh!" "There is no way you are Naruto."
There is an ah-dorable guy at my church! I just learned his name on Wednesday, after two months of going to that church, lol. But I've thought of him without a name so long that I just think of him as his name! It's kind of funny. I really need to talk to him. *sigh* I had exacly one chance. Well, one big chance. But, of course, I couldn't do it. I probaly would have pulled a Hinata, rolf.
For those of you too deprived to know who Hinata is, she is a very quiet and shy girl (click on her name up there for her profile). Whenever she talks to Naruto, it's usually like this: "Er, um, Ko-konnichiwa... Naruto..."
So, yeah.
I think I shall watch Shippuuden now.
Naruto dubs, Special Olympics, and a cute guy
I bought a CD on eBay last week, and it finally came! Pretty quickly, actually. (laugh) It's a CD with all of the best Naruto songs on it! I forgot the english title (on the CD, it's in Japanese. I can't read Japanese... Yet). It has songs like Ima Made Nando Mo, Wind, GO!!! [Although, I thought it was titled 'Fighting Dreamers'], and a lot more. I'm happy ^^ Now I must rip this to my computer!!! Bai bai~
Post #800
Well, I changed my profile photo for the first time in a long time! I tried to find one that resembled me (laugh).
Well, I'm up late working on a science project! Actually, I could probaly have been in bed a loooong time ago, but I keep getting disctracted!!! I made a new friend on AnimeForum :D
What else, what else... Ah, I went canoeing with Angel and my mother today... Our church was doing a canoe trip. My back is sunburnt, but it doesn't hurt too much.
Oh, I found this really interesting article! I haven't finished reading it yet, I'm only on page two. But it's raelly good so far.
Okay, not much of a post (especially for post #800!), but there really isn't anything to talk about. *sigh*
Oh, btw, for you non-Americans (laugh), today is Memorial Day... Haha, I really didn't know what this holiday is about 'till I read part of that article. I knew it had something to do with a war, but... Yeah. My aunt, who is from Mexico, told us that Cinco de Mayo really isn't much of a holiday in Mexico. I find that kind of funny. I thought it was a holiday like Independance Day, not a boring federal holiday like President's Day!
I'm going to be gone at summer camp on the Fourth of July (Independace Day) this year... Aw, I'm going to miss the fireworks! Oh, well... Maybe there will be fireworks at camp! I hope so! ^^
Angel and I being very, uh, *cough* weird. lol. Angel is the one who was constantly talking. I don't talk much. :D (Yes, I do sound funny... I just got an exapander, so I'm having issues speaking... lol)
**Warning: This post contains spoilers!**
Added: 1 month ago
LOL... I agree though. Calling it a really good anime is an understatement. I think the reason it touches so close to many people is because some of the struggles in this anime are very close to things that we face on a daily basis in real life; think about how possible it would be to have digital humans in the future, and what problems this would bring to society. It's really a great plot, and with Chobits, I believe CLAMP set a new standard for all Seinen anime.
My Trip
Okay, FINALLY I'm posting the photos from my trip last weekend! Go me! XD
That weekend, I came to love sushi! It's delicious! I had some for lunch, then for dinner we got takeout from the same place, and I got what's in that pic. Kind of odd, but still delicious! The box kind of reminded me of a bento :D
With the top off.
I couldn't eat that pink thing... I'm not sure what kind of fish it was, but it was gross. It started to come apart, resulting in a squid-like thing. Ew.
It's my mini-melon! ^^
Reminds me of subway stairs :D
It's best not to take pictures from a moving car.
This looked cooler when they neon sign was on... Purple! ^^
I am going to list my favourite animes. In order. Why? Because I feel like it. Deal with it!!!

Courtney is sad.
She was having a good conversation about video games with her friend on IM, and her foot hit the power cord. It took her about ten minutes to get her computer working again, while the whole time, her parent's computer was sitting in the other room, working just fine... But when she got back on IM, her friend was offline. That is why Courtney is sad.
Haha, I wish they had more commercials like this here. Funny commercials, as I'm sure you all know, are very rare :P They do have hilarious commercials during the Superbowl, though. A lot of people just watch it for the commercials (laugh). I come in sometimes during commercials, but I usually have something better to do than watch American football.
By the way, this is my favourite Superbowl commercial:
More random things.
I started writing notes to myself in a little notebook... So now I shall post about them!
1. Okay, so one of my friends (Stacey, I think) overheard this guy, Caleb, bragging to his friends. Apparently, he peed next to our English teacher. *cough* The highlight of his day ^^
2. Tuesday (yesterday) morning, Holleigh was looking ata book I had in my backpack, Catch 22. Two pictures that I printed off a few days ago fell out. She asked me what they were, and I said, "Oh, those are Naruto characters. Gaara and Shikamaru." Nudge started to crack up! Now, before I continue, Shikamaru is pronnounced "shee-kah-mah-loo" Or you can do that r-roll thingee, but I can't roll my r's. Aaaanyways, I asked her why she was laughing, and apparently, Shikamaru is a hilarious name to her... Later that day I said it again, and she cracked up, again!
3. I need sticky notes. The long one- oh, wait... Eh, oh. That was just a note to put them on the shopping list, not to blog about them. Eh, heh, heh, heh...
4. Omg, last semester I had Health class. I guess the state decided that we needed sex-ed, so we learned all about STDs. I mean ALL ABOUT. *cough* We saw, uh... pictures... I am scarred for life.
But, anyways, today this semester's health classes had to go through the same slideshow. At one part of the slides, there is a chart of how STDs make their way around. It's kind of like a family tree, except these are people who have had sex with each other... Apparently, Stacey noticed that on this chart, there were two guys next to each other! You know what THAT means (Or, you probaly do. Whatever). I was told that Stacey, Antartica, and Angel were giggling the whole time. (laugh) When I had to go through that class, I just quietly adverted my eyes during the part that contains photographs of certain STDs...
(It was kind of like this, but not that one exacly, cuz that one doesn't have any maleXmale thing goin' on :P BTW, Angel told me that Stacey noticed that RIGHT AWAY XD)
5. In Science today, we did a lab where we had to put a lightbulb, alligator cords, and batteries in different positions and see which ones made the lightbulb turn on. We had to try a certain part with one battery, then with two. There was an emty station next to us, so I suggested that we try using three, just so see how bright it would get. We did that, and it was bright! ^^ I also suggested using four, but they vetoed that idea :( Apparently, four would probaly burst the bulb (we were using tiny ones). Darn.
Naruto Shipuuden
Soooo, I'm almost done with Naruto! Just four more episodes! yay! ^^ I skipped two seasons of boring fillers (laugh). I started back up at episode 213, and I'm on ep 216 now. But I probaly won't be able to watch them until next week, or Sunday. Because I'm going to be gone this weekend (yay!). But just to warn you, once I start watching Shipuuden, there should be a lot more Naruto-obsessed posts!!!
Does anybody know what 'shipuuden' means?
Right now I'm looking up Kanji for a project I'm doing in art class. I'll post a photo of it when I get it back! ^^
Random Stuffs
I was thinking about funny things today... Random, of course ;P
My Favourite Anime Openings
Vampire knight
(My all-time favourite!)
Naruto Ending 5
(Okay, so it isn’t an opening… So what? It still rocks!)
Naruto 3
(Sorry, I couldn’t find a good video in Japanese… So you’re stuck with the English version. The video is still the same, and the vocals are actually really good! If you want to hear the Japanese opening, it’s on the play list (located at the bottom of the blog). It’s titled ‘True Light-- DNAngel’)
What do you think about yaoi?
Love it!
0 (0%)
2 (33%)
2 (33%)
What's yaoi???
2 (33%)
Votes so far: 6 Poll closed
Okay, first of all, for those who don't know what yaoi is:
Yaoi is basically sexual boy-boy love. It's used in manga and anime and novels and stuff like that. There is also shounen ai, which is about the same as yaoi, but not sexual.
I think yaoi is gross XP I'm actually kind of surprised that no one chose that they love it. Yaoi seems to be really popular on sites like deviantART.
Iron Man
We went to see Iron Man in the theatre yesterday. I thought it might be really stupid (that's how it looked to me), but it was actually really good! Although there WERE some parts (okay, a lot) where I had to look away (and maybe even plug my ears). Not that it was something that would scare me, it's just that I have a really weak stomach... *cough* Like, sticking your hand down someone's CHEST?! I was about ready to puke, and I wasn't even watching that part! But really, it's a great movie. I've always loved the Marvel movies :D my friends think I'm weird, lol.
OMG. I got asked out yesterday... O.O again! twice in one week *amazed* I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with these boys at my school. Er, but I did say no. Never had a boyfriend, don't want one for a few more years. Boys at my age are PERVERTED! Ever read What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know? He says that he loves her, but he doesn't. It's lust. It really is. If he actually loved her, he wouldn't be obsessed with wanting to sleep with her!
Oh! This weekend my mother and I are going up north! We're going to stay in a nice condo (really cheap this time of year!), see cherry blossoms, go to Borders (laugh), and probaly some other suff. I'm excited cuz I've never seen cherry blossoms before! They're beautiful in photos ^^
I'm really not liking it. My posts have probaly been really boring lately (is that why no one is commenting?). Dale Carnegie said that it is human nature to not blame yourself for things, that humans tend to blame others, even if it was their fault. Well, I'm not like that. I always blame myself. If someone doesn't talk to me for a day or so, I start wondering what I did wrong, why he or she won't talk to me, and before I know it, I'm very depressed. It happens all the time. I don't like it, but I can't help it. Actually, most of the time it just turns out that the person was busy (this applies to my internet friends)... heh, heh. But no matter how many times this happens, I always blame myself.
During History class today, I thought of another reason as to why I want to study abroad in Japan for a semester.
Americans are very rude.
Japan is a polite country. That is why you only use titles like -kun, -chan, etc. to people you know well. Unlike America, where people automatically call you by your first name. Don't get me wrong, I don't care about that. But what I do care about is, like I said, politness. I mean, if you were to walk through the hallways of my school between classes, you would most defintally hear things like "You're such a fag!" and "Haha, that's so f*cking gay!"
It's ridiculous.
Er, okay, rant over. I know that wasn't very long, but it's getting late and I'm supposed to be finishing my Science project. Bai bai!
PS. remind me to post pix of the outfit I wore on Monday!
PPS. By the way, just so you don't get the wrong idea, the US is a great country. I'm just not a fan of its culture.
PPPS. I would also love to studay abroad in London...
Things to do
⇢ Type some stuff for Science class
⇢ Find game pieces for Science class
⇢ Write a few paragraphs for my History project
⇢ Remind my mother that I need a box for my History project
⇢ Finish the graphs for my History project
⇢ Send an email to remind Angel that she still owes me $$$!
⇢ Work on my drawing for *sanguemdeus's contest
⇢ Remind my father to fix my lava lamp
⇢ Find out what the heck 'Adult Swim' is, and why it's named that if it shows ANIME!
⇢ Watch as many boring Naruto fillers so I can get to Shipuuden!
⇢ Work on the emoticon avatar for *emoticiety's contest
Eh, a lot. *sigh* I hate homework >:( Well, off to watch Naruto...
Today is going to be a terrible day. Why?
1) I'm getting an expander
2) I forgot my iPod
3) I'm getting an expander
4) My parents grounded me from the computer today because I was being "mouthy." Whatever.
5) Did I mention that I'm getting an expander?
I've been slacking off on my blogging
But at the end of the day, I can't rememer what I wanted to post about earlier!
Oh, right. Er, there's this guy who i'm kind of friends with... Weeeell... My friends have been desperatly trying to convince me that he likes me, but I didn't believe them. I mean, who would like me?! As a friend, sure. But a crush? If I were somebody else, and a guy, I wouldn't like me! I would stay away from me! *cough* Aaaanyways...
Today Nudge (my friend) told me that her boyfriend, who is friends with this guy, told her that he (the guy, not Nudge's bf!) was going to ask me out O.o Yus, I was teased a LOT of today. Part of it was what I was wearing, but I'll get to that later...
*ahem* He told me that he it was 'kind of true' (cuz my friends kept going up to him and asking him if it was) and that his girlfriend (who moved away awhie ago) actually broke up with him three weeks ago. Ah, okaaay... Well, when he DOES officially ask me, I will say no! I've never had a boyfriend before (only been asked out twice... rejected once), and I want to love all of them (or however many I have 'till I find the right one)!
Er, I was going to post about my outfit today, but I want to go upstairs and draw! I'm almost done with a drawing I'm doing for a contest on deviantart.com. I have to upload the pic (just of the clothes, I'm not in it) later. It would be too troublesome to do right now...
Welcome to Our Church
Great video... it really sums up my beliefs... and my church's. :) they showed this today, at church.
"Let me tell you about the five Kages and the five hidden villages to lengthen this episode so we can animate less... Okay, we have the five villages. The drinking gourd, the dog crap, the squiggly lines, the three puddles, and the... What the crap is our symbol?! No, seriously. I mean, it doesn't even look like a leaf! It looks like a snail fell over and it can't get up!"
-Kakashi, Naruto Abridged, ep 4
yes, i was at about episode 90 when my friend told me that they're from the village of the LEAF (she watches the dub). I had always wondered what that symbol was supposed to be :D
Boys r Stupid
After school today, as I came outside with Angel, these two people, Brynn and Jake, were talking. Then Brynn (who is a girl, btw. and don't call her Brian or she'll get mad!) walked away yelli- actually, here:
Brynn: That was NOT funny!
Jake: It was a JOKE!!!
Angel: What???
Jake: I told her a few times -JOKINGLY- that she was a whale.
Angel: WHAT?!
Suddenly, girls nearby who heard this surrounded him and started telling him that you do NOT joke around about a girl's weight, whether it's true or not! Angel and I were a few of them. It was kind of funny :D
He tried to defend himself ("Well, you guys tease ME all the time, and it doesn't bother me!!!")... :D yus, some people do tease him (coughstaceycough). they make gay jokes and stuff (cuz we all suspect that he's gay). actually, i find it kind of mean. i mean, if he's not gay, that's gotta hurt! right? (i'm not a guy, so i don't know :) )
Okay, that is all. buh-bye!
Naruto Abridges, ep 19
haha i love these, they're so funny! (And very stupid. But I like stupid-funny things! But not Napoleon Dynamite. That was just plain stupid.)