Quote of the Day
"Breakfast time. Breakfast time. Wait for me, my ramen!"
ramen is delicous... but for breakfast?!
i'm watching episode 75 of Naruto now. it just watched the part where Gaara has a flashback of when he was little. i'm not going to say everything that happened (for ppl who haven't seen it yet), but it was SO sad when Gaara got the ball for them, and they ran away. it was so incredibly sad, i nearly cried (and i don't cry easily when watching anime)! :'( it's kind of funny... Gaara and Naruto grew up in pretty much the same situation, but they turned out so differently.
lol i'm probaly boring ya'll with these notices on which episode i am XD
angel and i write notes to each other sometimes during school, and give them to each other between classes (since we don't have any together). i wrote one to angel today, and she found one part of it funny...
"Rock Lee hasn't been in any Naruto episodes for like 10 eps! I DON'T WANT HOMEWORK!!!"
i suppose that was an odd way to change the subject ;D
i was really bored but not sure what to write, so i started babbling about naruto lol.
Garfield and Neji ;)
Naruto lately has been... weird. the last few episodes that i've seen focus on the third Hokage and Ochimaru. those episodes are full of really weird tecniques and stuff, and i've been just fast-forwarding through episodes, stoping every so often to read subtitles. just to get the main idea of what's happening. i'll be glad when this battle's over and it goes back to Naruto and Sasuke and Sakura and Shikamaru. and the dog :)
Rock Lee hasn't been in any episodes lately :( he was in two episodes, almost ten episodes ago, but all he did was stand there and say some stuff. how sad :( lol.
mmm i'm bored.
apparently, i'm fun to tease...
i was in the school library, and a guy i talk to sometimes was sitting next to me. i was doing research online. he leaned over to see my screen, then said "whoa! Courtney! what are you looking at?!" on my computer screen was a picture or poision ivy and an article. i said, "It's poison ivy!" 'cept i used a tone like "quit teasing me!"
a few minutes later, he leaned over again and said, "I can't believe you! you're looking at stuff like that! I- I can't stand to look at you!" He turned dramatically away. Of course, the few people who were sitting around us had to come see what the heck it was that i was looking at. "It's POISON IVY!" i practically shouted. with a small smile, because, even though it was at my expense, his teasing was pretty funny.
Does it annoy you when I post so much about Naruto?
2 (16%)
a bit
3 (25%)
i don't mind
1 (8%)
i love Naruto! keep posting about it!!!
6 (50%)
Votes so far: 12 Poll closed
well, i'm glad most people like it. so i'm going to keep it up!
Art class is fun!
(i have three days of stuff to post about, peoples!)
in my Art class (an elective), i finished painting my chapstick drawing (er, there's an explanation) early, so the teacher had me staple other ppl's drawings/painting in the display cases outside the classroom when they finish. i did, but the stapler was being a butt... i had to slam it against the wall really hard in order for the staple to hold to the drawing. just picture this:
a quiet, black-wearing girl who loves to read and doesn't have many friends (because she doesn't like most people!), climbed into a display case and slamming an opened staper against the wall inside the case REALLY hard, the impact of the stapler and the wall making a really loud noise...
yeah, that's what the teacher came out to.
he was like "what are you doing?! getting all of your anger out?"
it was funny :D
he told me that with that particular stapler, you had to hold it against the wall then hit it with your hand... geez, NOW he tells me!
he teased me about that for the rest of the day. he kept saying things like "geez, i could see Antonio or Travis doing that, but YOU?!" haha.
Art class is really fun!
(haha i just realized that i didn't post about St. Patty's day... well, i didn't wear green, but i put a pin that says "PINCH ME AND I'LL PUNCH YOU" on my binder. i did actually punch one girl... ha! >:D)
So, i'm back w/ the rents... i went shopping 2day w/ my mum. pretty fun, i suppose. would have been funner w/ Angel and Nudge, tho. :)
i spent much time in B&N, but i finally got Naruto manga, vol 1 & 2. my friends are gonna kill me for not getting Furuba, but lately i've been finding that manga a bit boring :( so i got Naruto (for when i don't have access to the internet, cuz the anime is just like the manga!).
i almost got Shojo Beat (April 2008), but they're done with Absolute Boyfriend (i lost interest in Vampire Knight), so the only manga in it that i like is Honey & Clover... it didn't seem worth it to pay $6 for two chapters of manga.
i also got a bra (kyahaha). the straps come off, very handy for the summer time! i didn't wear my tube top much last year, cuz i had to stuff my bra straps into the shirt, ery annoying (and a bit lumby XD)! my mum did drag me into Victoria's Secret (ugh!!!), and a really hyper girl (well, 20 years old?) was working there, and greeted us with "Hi, can I help you? What are you looking for?" (my mum:) "Well, she needs a strapless bra" (the girl:) "Do you know your size, or do you need to be measured?" (me:) "I know my size." i said that a bit rudely, i suppose (my mum got mad at me after we left the store), but i didn't want that woman to get NEAR me with that measuring tape! no one is gonna measure my chest for me! how embarresing! and violating :P
after that, she (the girl) started talking really fast about where the best strapless you-know-whats are and which ones she likes the best and which ones she thought i would like, etc, etc, etc.
we ended up going to JCPenny.
(kay, i'm done talking about my underwear!!!)
i watched Star Wars with my brother last night (he was in a strange mood where he wasn't acting like an idiot... O.O). it was The Empire Strikes Back, i think. Yoda's so funny! he snuck up on Luke, then started rifling through his stuff. i laughed so hard when he found a little flash-light type thing, and R2D2 tried to take it away from him. he was like, "No! Mine! Mine! MINE!!!" that would be Angel XD (oh, crap, i hope she doesn't read this post... i just said that she's like an 800-year-old green muppet-like alien!)
last time i saw Star Wars, i was like eight (or seven). so i never realized this, but... Luke is cute! lol. probaly really old now. what a shame... :D
m buying some songs from iTunes right now. i'm booored...
oh, i saw the Konoha Sports Festival Naruto special this morning... it was SO funny!!! Poor Naruto :P lol today my mum and i stopped @ my g'mas house before we went shopping. when we got there, my mum kept going to the bathroom! like, once every five minutes, and was in there for about 15 minutes! she did it three times, so we were there for about an hour. lol. but that reminded me of Naruto in that special! cept people didn't keep stopping her from... ya know.
I keep thinking that it's Saturday!
so, happy Good Friday, ya'll!
CoUrTnEy-chan ;)
i was sooo bored last night that i started making Naruto character faces and taking photos... well, three... Hinata, Nara (i keep forgetting his first name), and Rock Lee :D i think i did Hinata best, the Rock Lee one is hi-larious, and i like the Nara one, too (cept my chin was being retarted). i would post them, but, and call me crazy, but i don't want to increase my risk of being raped and murdered... yeah, i know, how weird of me! but i really wish i could post them. *sigh*
Post #730
I'm watching Naruto episode 66-67... m on 66 right now...
Sasuke-kun reminds me of someone... hmmm, i wonder who... :D
this is a good episode, though.
and i'll stop boring you with Naruto...
i had no idea, but today Holleigh (one of muh friend's sister...) said that she heard on the news that it was realeased today. i looked it up online, and... IT WAS!!! whoooooooo!!! that was like, 2 months early! usualy it's released in May or April! anyways, i need to get to a bookstore asap!!!
mmm aside from that, i had an aweful day today... i woke up early (5:20... i usualy get up at 6:45!) to take a shower, then after that i got distraced playing Sims 2 Pets (ps2). i looked at the clock, realized that i was running a bit late, and made a mad dash for the door... in this mad dash, i forgot my Gerard (aka my iPod Nano)... *sob* i usualy listen to it on my way to school/on the way back. it makes my day a bit more bearable. so, i realized as i was halfway there that i forgot my ipod, but i couldn't go back or else i would be late :( but at the end of the day i went directly home and watch naruto, so that made my day better... i hope i have a better day tomorrow. i really hate school...
You see yourself as...
a main character
6 (40%)
a side character
9 (60%)
Votes so far: 15 Poll closed
i see myself as a side character... like Hinata or Uo-chan :)
i was SO bored, so i took these pix with my digi-cam... well, the first two :)
my phone :D (it looks so large from that angle...)
my computer screen :D (with the post of that fawesome Lee amv)
cute (and fawesome!) Hinata cosplay
fawesome Gaara!!! (cept the outfit is off, but so what?!)
er... is he... forming a seal...???
he can't be, but that's what it looks like...
like i said, my friend gave me her Naruto magazine. it's really interesting :) it has an episode guide thing, from episodes nintey-something to one hundred and something (lol). but i can't wait till episode 100! it's about Lee-san. :) yay Rock Lee! ^^ and i can't wait for episode 101. according to this magazine, Naruto plots to unmask K... K... OMG I FORGOT HIS NAME!!! *screams* i knew it earlier... eh... um... *sob* well, Naruto's/Sakura's/Sasuke's sensei... Kakashi! YEAH! that's it! i can't belive i momentarily forgot it... :'( but, anyways, that should be interesting! i wonder if he (Naruto) suceeds... i've always wondered what Kakashi's face looks like. he only shows his right eye, and, on rare occasions, both of his eyes. but never below the eyes :(
i'm on episode 60, so it'll be at least a week till i get to episode 100 :(
Antartica's bday
okay, in this post i will not talk about Naruto! i know, how surprising!!! sorry i haven't posted in awhile, i've been busy... tons of homework, and some quizzes (on Friday). BTW, my friend, from the last post (ya know, we were arguing about Lee-san...)... gave me a Naruto magazine! yay! she bought it awhile ago but didn't like it too much... so she gave it to me! not much Lee-san in it, though... oops! okay, that's all the Naruto in this post!
last night Antartica had a birthday party... it was fun! ^^ :D after school we went to a dollar store to get some junk food, then a pizza place to get... pizza! :D then we went back to her place...
Oh, we means Antartica, me (DUH), Angel, Nudge, Fluffy, and Stacey. just FYI.
So, we went to A's. LOL for awhile we just sat around and talked (mainly perverted jokes, cuz that's just Stacey)... then we got hungry and ate the pizza :D yum! ^^ we also had red Faygo (i forgot the flavour name), a Faygo that's basically Mountain Dew, Sprite, and Coke. Angel had the bright idea to do a suicide (it's not what you think!)... we mixed a little of every soda into our cups and drank it (see?!). it actualy didn't taste that bad! but Nudge said that once she was dared to do a suicide with every liquid in the fridge... including milk!!! she said it was NASTY! i'm never using milk in a suicide... ;D
er... what else did we do? oh, right. we gave A her prezzies.
Nudge- gave her an iFish
Angel-B&N gift card (LOL she used a huge box and filled it with rocks, then put the giftcard into a smaller box, put the smaller box into the huge box -actualy, not THAT huge, but it was big!-, and put some duct tape on the big box. then gift wrapped it. XD)
Fluffy- um... now, what was it... eh, i can't remember what she gave A...
Stacey- the three House of Night novels... but she put them in a box and duct taped the box a LOT! it took A five minutes and 45 seconds to unwrap! (Fluffy timed it on the stopwatch on her iPod Nano)
Me- $15 (i was going to give her an iTunes card, but, uh... i forgot *embarresed*
after that we ate some cake and ice cream, then we watched A Diary of a Mad Black Woman... it was odd. i don't really like chick flicks, the endings are always so predictable. then we played Guitar Hero on A's PS2 (i SUCK!!!), then we watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, then we talked, then Angel put in the Lizzie McGuire Movie, to punish us for not picking one out fast enough... after that we talked (coughgossipedcough) until 5:30 in the morning. i am SO tired! two and a half hours of sleep. TWO AND A HALF!!! i would so be dead right now if it weren't saturday... angel wanted me to go to the Y with her to go swimming, but I passed... otherwise i would probably pass OUT! :D
omg LOL! at one point in the night, Nudge tried to shoot grapes down the front of A's tank-top XD it was funny! oh, and when we were eating the pizza, i accedentally spilled red soda onto my crotch of my pants... well, everyone sure thought THAT was funny! it was kind of, i suppose. good think i was wearing dark jeans... :D
mmm, G2G, i haven't watched Naruto in THREE WHOLE DAYS!
(whoops, i mentioned it again...)
after school today, i was talking to this girl, an underclassmate that's kind of my friend (we talk sometimes).
Me: hey, hey, what's your favourite Naruto character???
Her: ((Hinata's relative, i forgot his name)), Sasuke, ((someone)), ((someone)), and Naruto. Narut's last -laugh-
Me: Mine's Rock Lee! :D
Her: What?! Rock Lee sucks!
Me: >:( He does not! he's awesome!!!
Her: he is not! he's exacly like Gai! except he has weird eyes.
Me: So what? and he's not exacly like Gai! Rock Lee is awesome!!!
Her: He sucks!
Me: He's awesome!
Her: He sucks!
Me: He's awesome!
Her: He sucks!
Me: He's awesome!
((this went on for awhile, then we went our seperate ways))
hmph. Lee is not just like Gai! he just dresses like him and does that odd thumbs-up thing ;)
Quote of the Day
"I was going to kill him because I want him dead."
-Gaara of the Desert
oh, well, then! as long as you have a good reason! *sarcasm*
Posted by Courtney @ 5:13 PM 2 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
rock lee cosplay...???
was very hyper. she got into the ice cream, but i calmed her down a bit with I Love Lucy on DVD ;) gosh, it sounds like i'm babysitting a two-year old! ( Angel here: "I AM NOT A TWO YEAR OLD! I'm not the one washing shampoo out of my hair...") XD lol. it is funny, though! i finaly got her to watch Naruto, too, btw. she likes it! yay! we're on episode 3 (watching it together. i'm actualy on episode 56).
mmm i told myself that i wouldn't talk about naruto in this post, for those of you who i am boring... buuuut... ROCK LEE ROCKS! YEAH! :D ^^ lol.
he's not cute (sadly), but he's a fawesome ninja :) great at combat (or whatever), and when he wasn't in any shape to even WALK, he was outside doing on-armed push-ups. lol. for those of u who don't know, my friends and i each have a fictional boyfriend. we choose a fictional guy that we like, and he is "ours."
Angel- did have Edward Cullen (twilight), but not anymore
Antartica- Fang (maximum ride)
Nudge- Emmett Cullen (twilight)
Me- Iggy (maximum ride)
iggy is fawesome... great fighter, making bombs... and he's blind making it all more ah-mazing). but i think i shall "break up" with iggy and switch to Rock Lee :D rolf
Favourite Music Genre?
3 (27%)
3 (27%)
0 (0%)
2 (18%)
1 (9%)
2 (18%)
Votes so far: 11 Poll closed
no one likes rap! *phew*
I voted for rock ^^
pop tied with rock!
Rock Lee
Rock Lee rocks! ^^ my second favourite character :D (my first is Naruto)
I like his hair better when it was longerish and layered... it was kind of cute. he looks odd with a bob (lol).
and he looked very freaky when he was opening those gates... O.o
Posted by Courtney @ 2:17 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: anime, Video Clips
Quote of the Day
"I am going to kill you! Then i'm moving to Hedi, learning voodoo, raising you from the dead, and killing you again!"
-Dana, According to Jim
Posted by Courtney @ 9:38 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
Quote of the Day
Gai: (to Rock Lee, who is getting ready to fight Gaara of the Desert) Let me give you some nice advice
Rock Lee: *salutes* Sir!
Gai: No one has noticed yet, but...
(they bring their heads together)
Gai: ...That gourd is suspicious!
Lee: I see! *takes out notepad*
Gai: Don't write that down! You have no time to look at it during battle! You fool!
Lee: I see. *writes it down on his notepad*
rolf Rock Lee and Gai-sensei crack me up XD
btw, Gaara has a huge gourd that he carries on his back.
Posted by Courtney @ 4:41 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
what a booooring life...
i've only been posting vids and naruto stuffs lately becuz... NOTHING IS HAPPENING!!! i stayed home from school yesterday cuz i felt like crap, but that's bout it! geez. my life consists of school, loads of homework, naruto, sims 2 pets (ps2) if i have time, sleep, wake up, do it all over agian!!! it's almost depressing...
Naruto farts!
Perhaps i just have an extremly immature sense of humour (perhaps?!), but i found this to be so frickin' funny!!!
(it was totaly unexpected, too XD)
Posted by Courtney @ 4:55 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: anime, LOL, Video Clips
Quote (of the Day)
"He's [Naruto] the type of person who can't become a main character in a story."
-I forgot who said this. Either the ninja with the dog or the one who always says 'troublesome.' Or are they the same person? i forgot.
Um, yes. So that's why the show is named after him...
Posted by Courtney @ 9:22 PM 0 Replies
Catagory: quote of the day
Naruto! It's, like, taking over my life! rolf XD on Sims 2 Pets I made a family with Naruto characters ^^ :D Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Tenten (dog), Kakashi (dog), and Ino (dog!). Later i'll probaly make a family with Ino (human this time!), Rock Lee, and Gaara. :D I also have some other families. the Soumas (from Fruits Basket): Yuki, Tohru Honda (that makes her full name Tohru Honda Souma on the game, lol), Kyo, Kagura (cat), Kyou (cat), and Kisa (cat). AND I have the Suohs (Ouran High School Host Club). Haruhi, Kaoru, Hikaru, Tamaki, and Mori (dog).
i... i... i... can't... they... the.... WHERE ARE THE CHIMICHANGAS????!!!!
*evil glare* WHO ATE THEM???
i WILL find the culprit!