i spent the night with Angel yesterday to today :) so fun! my friend Amber was there, too. so fun!
ugh great i g2g bye!
REBA (yes, McEntire)
Cheyenne and Van
Posted by Courtney @ 2:44 PM 1 Replies
Catagory: Video Clips
sorry bout the text coloring... im working on it. 4 now just highlight the words.
g2g im going 2 the lake!!!
PS. how do u like the template? i may need 2 change it if i cant get the text the rite color. :(
i was gone all day yesterday and Friday. my aunt took me, my brother, my cousin, and her sister (who's only a year older than me lol) to this place on friday. i wont say the name or else ill b saying where i live. or give u an idea.
but it was fun! it has this HUGE pool and 3 waterslides and a diving board! so fun! (i kinda got a tan! ^_^)
then yesterday we (me and my mom) went 2 my parent's friend's pool. so fun!
Fluffy bunnies and penguins will rule the world!!!
"Here you go, an Evans Rings and a Galaxy Seven, hold the Max."
-Liz Parker (she said it on accident)
MARIA: He's stealing my car...you're stealing my car.
MICHAEL: I'm borrowing your car. Now get out.
MARIA: You're telling me to get out? This is my car. Actually, it's my mother's car, and if anything happens to it, life as I know it will be over. So, wherever it goes, i go.
MICHAEL: Fine. You had your chance.
MARIA: Oh, my gosh. You're kidnapping me. No, wait, you're abducting me!
Kyle: "How far did you and Liz get?"
Max: "We saw into each other's soul. How about you?"
Kyle: "Second base."
Max: "Well, we can't win them all."
Kyle's Dream
lol i'm watching Roswell rite now... Season 2 episode 11: To Serve and Protect. Kyle's dream is so funny! the beginning, at least.
Some guy (sitting cross-legged on a rock): Remember, young blossom, my most important word.
Kyle (also sitting cross-legged below the guy): Yes, Master.
(Guy says some weird buddist stuff)
Guy: With every inhale, fins the center of yourself. With every exhale, release the... (blah- blah- blah... he goes on but i'm not going in2 it.) Inhale, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale. Inha- (cellphone goes off) Excuse me.
Guy: (answers phone) Buddah here. Yeah. When? Prepare the ship! Stand by to beam us aboard!
Kyle: Master?
Buddah (the Guy): Our enemies have arrived! Kyle, we must leave Earth and face the dark legion.
Kyle: no no no! I'm your inner peace, not that science-fiction crap!
Buddah: Max Evans changed you when he saved your life, you know that. You're an alien now, Kyle! Dude, like, except your destiny!
isn't it funny???
of course, i'm a complete Christain, and i wish that buddist stuff wasn't in there.
here's the video. skip 3 minutes and 36 seconds if u want 2 go directly 2 kyle's dream.
I'm baby-sitting my cousin 4 the summer. well, everyday but thursdays, fridays, and the weekend. but i get payed! yayness! maybe ill b able 2 get an iPod Nano!!!
I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!
I decided i need 2 lose weight, so i started counting calories. I'm supposed to have no more than 1600... So far i've had 620!!! It's only 1:17!!! uh-oh!
here's an awesome site 4 those of u who want 2 lose weight: http://www.hungry-girl.com/ (thnx, AuthorAngel!).
I so need an iPod Nano!!! I lost my ipod shuffle :( :( :( mayb i'll just get a 2nd generation shuffle. i dont kno...
so... im bored...
it's SO hard 2 keep up with all these blogs!!!
Maximum Ride drawing
I just finished this... sorry for the spot near the top.
the first one i touched up.
And isn't this kool? they're the german covers for the Uglies trilogy. u can c Tally's journy through surgies!
like Scott Westerfeld said on his blog...
"In a funny way, these are the most “realistic” of the covers for the trilogy. The model for Ugly looks like a real girl. Her skin is a bit freckly, her eyes a bit small. Not that she isn’t pretty, but she’s definitely not a pretty.
But the image for Pretty is almost freakish. As I’ve often said, if we saw a pretty here in our world, we’d probably find them a bit weird and exaggerated. Plastic sugery arms races tend to go in strange directions, after all. (Warning: Following that link risks severe eyeball damage.)
And Special is the best of all. It takes the exact same face and makes it totally mean. Sort of like a Chucky doll with tattoos.
Casting your eyes over all three faces, you see the subtle change in expression that mirror Tally’s journey, from curious ugly to vacant pretty to imperious, cruel Special. How cool is that?
Big props to the designers over at Carlsen, the German publishers of Uglies.
By the way, does anyone know a German-language reason why the titles are singular? "
PS. wont b on till Monday...
Check out the bottom!
I made a playlist of my fave songs!
o, btw, i wont b able 2 get on the puter 2moro, and probaly not sunday either.
Please visit our blog! (Authorangel Nudge.::.Twin hello anyone there? Me Max Is Awesome)
I have weird dreams. Take Wednesday nite 4 instance.
My friend has been bugging me 2 post, so i will. although im not alowed on now... who cares! i just hope i dont get in trouble... hope my parents dont check the HISTORY!!!
I went 2 the library yesterday!
books i got:
The Clique
The Clique: Best Friends for Never
The Clique: Revenge of the Wannabes
Edward Red (Spy High)
the Lord of the Rings
I wanted to get the Time Machine and War of the Worlds, but they only had them in Great Illustrated Classics. I hate those versions. I'm going to get them in the norm version @ another library (i go to 5 diff libraries... although 1 of them my mom doesnt let me go 2 cos we're almost neva in that town)
bored... still...
Oopsie, 4got 2 tell u...
my mom wont let me do the beauty pagent.
and u can e-mail me @ loco.chicas@gmail.com. actualy, u can e-mail me and Angel. we decided to share the e-mail address.
Thumbs-down on Boys
other for a moment. then he realized that he was going up her driveway and turned back to the sidewalk. the second time, the next tym i was at Angel's house, we were going on a walk and we saw him again. skateboarding again. Angel said that he must think we live together or sumthing, cos everytime he sees one of us we're together. lol
turning away from the topic of boys...
i've been meaning to post one of my drawing on my blog. i drew this one last nite. i call her "Goth Girl" lol. and, no, i dont normaly name my drawings.
that's netting on her arms, FYI. yay, i dont normaly draw fingers realisticly! normaly they look like claws... lol
Scott Westerfeld
Scott Westerfeld is my fave author!
i want to read all his books!
I've Read
all Uglies books (that are out) (3)
all Midnighters books (3)
So Yesterday (almost finished! that counts!)
Need to Read
The Risen Empire books (2)
Fine Prey
The Last Days
I'm NOT going to read Evolutions's Darling!
which brings me to this topic...
I'm pretty sure Scott Westerfeld is an evolutionist. Which majorly sux. cos im not. im a creationist.
which brings me to THIS topic...
if there's such thing as evolution, y aren't the monkey's still evolving? y aren't we c-ing Neandrathals? y aren't humans still evolving? Why r there monkeys, period? weren't they all supposed to have turned into humans?!
PS. i got all his books on that list, rite? tell me if i didn't.
My friend, Angel, and I created a blog 2gether!!!
and i got a CBox! so leave comments!!!
One more time:
i've dreamed of being a model. don't u think it would b sooooo fun?
Now i have a chance!
Now, it's a very very small chance, mind u, but its a CHANCE!!!
there's, lke, this pageant thing. ugh. i hope its not a normal pageant. i hate those. never been in one, but i've heard about them. read about them (clearwater crossing). Watched shows with them in it (Tru Calling).
But go to this site!!!
My Summer Reading List
-Beauty and the Beast
-Romeo and Juliet
-Uhhh... 4got the name. has the word WIND in it. main character is Scarlett
i had more. better go to the library b4 finishing this list, cos i cant remember the names. this is embaressing
Posted by Courtney @ 8:04 PM 24 Replies
Check out the bottom!
go to the bottom of this page to c the awesome Maximum Ride slideshow i made on RockYou.com!
yesterday was the last day of skool! YAY! I was sad and happy at the same tym. i took tons of pix!
then after skool i went 2 my BFFs house!
then my mom picked me up and my family and I went to a baseball game. how boring! cept for the fireworks @ the end. those were great.
i'm going shopping 2day! i desperetly need clothes! and a haircut!
my friends and i all have a fictional boy character!
Andrea has Edward (twilight)
Chelsie has Emmet (twilight)
Kaity has Fang (maximum ride)
and I have Iggy! (maximum ride)
Posted by Courtney @ 10:56 AM 12 Replies